Thursday, January 26, 2012

Wow time flies...

Not only has the New Year come already but the first month is almost over. Where does the time go? The book is finishing strong and should be out of editing in about 1 week. Then the real fun can begin by sending out query letters and summaries to publishing houses. This is the first step on the path that I hope will lead to my book getting published.

What I am working on, for the blog, is getting some independent writers to answer a series of questions. I would like people to see what goes on during and behind the scenes of writing a book. Not only will this open some of you to the whole revolution that the e-reader has spawned, but hopefully you might find a book or two that you might not have seen without it. I will keep you posted as I find out more information.

Lastly I would love to ask you, dear reader, a question at the end of each topic I write You can post answers in the comment section if you like, I would love to hear what you think. I promise to answer each one myself in the next topic.

Today's question; how important is it to follow your dreams? Are dreams meant to be acted on, or savored and stored up? If it is important, how are you following yours?

1 comment:

  1. Dreams are supremely important, both the acheivable and the unreachable. Some days, you need those dreams to keep going.

